A recipe for cookies calls for 4 cups of flour, half as much sugar as flour, and half as much butter as sugar. How many cups of butter will you need if you double the recipe? (Hint: Half of an amount is the same as dividing the amount by 2)

actually its 2

The answer is 3


To find out how many cups of butter you will need if you double the recipe, we first need to determine the quantities of flour and sugar required for the original recipe.

The original recipe calls for 4 cups of flour. So, if we double the recipe, we will need 2 times the amount of flour:
4 cups of flour * 2 = 8 cups of flour

The recipe also states that the sugar quantity is half as much as the flour. Therefore, for the original recipe, we will need:
4 cups of flour / 2 = 2 cups of sugar

Now, we need to find out how much butter is needed, keeping in mind that it should be half as much as the sugar.

For the original recipe:
2 cups of sugar / 2 = 1 cup of butter

To double the recipe, we need to multiply the quantities by 2:
2 cups of sugar * 2 = 4 cups of sugar

So, for the doubled recipe, you will need:
8 cups of flour and 4 cups of sugar.

Now, let's determine the amount of butter required for the doubled recipe:
4 cups of sugar / 2 = 2 cups of butter

Therefore, if you double the recipe, you will need 2 cups of butter.

How much sugar do you think is needed?

I say a way is subtract the half of cup and then the 4 cookies