Which metric unit is most suitable for measuring the distance between two cities?

The most suitable metric unit for measuring the distance between two cities is typically kilometers (km). To calculate the distance, you can use various methods, the most common being online mapping services such as Google Maps or dedicated distance calculators.

Here's how you can measure the distance between two cities using Google Maps:

1. Open Google Maps in your web browser or on your mobile device.
2. Type the name of the first city in the search bar.
3. Click or tap on the suggested option that matches the city you entered.
4. Repeat the same process for the second city.
5. Once both cities are selected, Google Maps will show the map with markers at each location.
6. To find the distance between the cities, look for the directions panel on the left sidebar (on the desktop) or at the bottom of the screen (on mobile).
7. The distance between the cities will be displayed in kilometers (km).

Another method is to use a dedicated distance calculator website, which allows you to input the names of the two cities and provides you with the distance.

Remember, while kilometers (km) are the standard metric unit for measuring distances between cities, other units such as miles or nautical miles may be used in certain regions or contexts.

The most suitable metric unit for measuring the distance between two cities is kilometers (km).