Identify the following types of tissue as connective, muscle, nerve, or ephithelial:

A. Tendon - Muscle
B. Sciatic Nerve- Nerve
C. Fat - ?
D. Blood Vessel - Nerve
E. Skin - Ephithelial
F. Ligament - ?
G. Bone - ?
H. Muscle - Muscle

( I got them all except for Fat, Ligament, and Bone... Can anyone help me on those last 3?)

C. Fat - Connective

F. Ligament - Connective
G. Bone - Connective

To identify the tissues as connective, muscle, nerve, or epithelial, we can use some characteristics of each tissue type.

A. Tendon - Connective tissue: Tendons are tough bands of fibrous connective tissue that connect muscle to bone. They provide strength and stability to joints.

B. Sciatic Nerve - Nerve tissue: The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that originates in the lower back and travels down the leg. It is responsible for sending sensory and motor signals between the leg and the brain.

C. Fat - Connective tissue: Fat, also known as adipose tissue, is a type of loose connective tissue that stores energy, regulates body temperature, and cushions organs and tissues.

D. Blood Vessel - Connective tissue: Blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries, are made up of connective tissue layers. These tissues help transport blood throughout the body and provide structural support.

E. Skin - Epithelial tissue: The skin is classified as epithelial tissue, which is the outermost layer of the body. It provides protection, regulation of body temperature, sensation, and helps prevent water loss.

F. Ligament - Connective tissue: Ligaments are bands of fibrous connective tissue that connect bones to other bones in joints. They provide stability and prevent excessive movement.

G. Bone - Connective tissue: Bones are classified as connective tissue. They provide support, protection, and help in movement. Bone tissue is mineralized and consists of cells, collagen fibers, and calcium phosphate crystals.

H. Muscle - Muscle tissue: Muscles, such as skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles, are made up of muscle tissue. They are responsible for body movement, posture, and various physiological processes.

To summarize:
C. Fat - Connective tissue
F. Ligament - Connective tissue
G. Bone - Connective tissue