In both Hamlet and Oedipus Rex some of the most significant events are mental or psychological; for instance, awakenings, discoveries, or changes in consciousness. Choose either Hamlet or Oedipus Rex, and in a well-developed essay, analyze the uses the author makes of these mental or psychological events. I have no idea how to answer this question.

Start with thinking about which significant events are mental or psychological; for instance, awakenings, discoveries, or changes in consciousness.

Choose the play in which these events seem most meaningful to you.

To answer this question, you need to analyze the uses the author makes of mental or psychological events in either Hamlet or Oedipus Rex. This requires careful reading and understanding of the chosen play's plot, characters, and themes. Here's how you can approach this task:

1. Choose one of the plays: Hamlet or Oedipus Rex. Consider which one you are more familiar with or interested in analyzing. It may be helpful to refresh your memory of the play by reading a summary or reviewing key scenes.

2. Understand the mental or psychological events: Mental or psychological events refer to moments in the play where significant changes occur in a character's mind or consciousness. These events usually involve awakenings, discoveries, or shifts in perception, leading to character development or plot progression.

3. Identify specific examples: Read or review the play, paying attention to scenes or moments where mental or psychological events take place. Look for instances where characters experience a change in their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or understanding of themselves or the situation.

4. Analyze the author's use of these events: Once you have identified specific examples, analyze how the author employs these mental or psychological events to serve a dramatic purpose. Consider themes, character transformations, plot progression, or any other literary elements impacted by these events.

5. Organize your essay: Start your essay with an introduction that provides background information about the chosen play and your analysis focus. Then, develop your analysis by discussing each key mental or psychological event and its significance in the play. Use evidence from the text to support your claims and include your own interpretations and insights.

6. Craft a strong conclusion: Summarize your main points and reflect on the overall impact of the mental or psychological events in the play. Consider the character development, thematic exploration, or dramatic effect achieved through these events.

Remember, this is just a general guide to help you approach the question. It's crucial to read the play closely, take notes, and develop your own analysis based on the text. Good luck with your essay!