I need help with this! thanks

What did satraps do?

Persian rulers claimed the proud title of “King of Kings” and demanded total obedience from their subjects. Under King Darius, the empire was divided into 20 provinces to try to stop any single region from becoming too powerful. Each province was ruled by a governor, called a SATRAP.


R2D2 plagiarized the above post from FactMonster.


I needed access to post a the link. I did not have any, sssooo.

Sorry that was my brother that did that. I was in the bathroom and he said he needed my computer real quick, so I said he can use it after get done,

That's a sorry excuse that we hear/read all the time -- it was my brother/cousin/friend/sister.

We don't believe it anymore!!

Satraps were provincial governors in the ancient Persian Empire. They were appointed by the monarch to rule over specific regions called satrapies. Satraps had various responsibilities, including collecting taxes, maintaining law and order, and supervising the local administration.

To find information about what satraps did, you can use various reliable sources such as textbooks, academic articles, or reputable websites. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to research and find information about satraps:

1. Start by searching for keywords related to the topic, such as "satraps in ancient Persia" or "role of satraps."

2. Look for reliable academic sources like scholarly journals, books, or articles. Websites ending in .edu (education institutions) or .gov (government websites) are typically more credible.

3. Access online databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local library's research portal to find relevant sources.

4. Review the abstracts or summaries of the sources you find to determine if they are relevant to your question.

5. Read through the selected sources and take notes on the key information about the duties and responsibilities of satraps.

6. Pay attention to the credibility and expertise of the authors or sources to ensure the information is reliable.

7. Analyze and synthesize the information you gathered to create a clear understanding of what satraps did.

Remember to always cite your sources properly when using information from research to avoid plagiarism.