Adam has created a register for the bank account he opened on April 16th. Unfortunately, Adam has made a mistake and cannot figure out where he went wrong. Use the transaction descriptions below to determine where his error is.

The account was opened on April 16 with a tax refund check of $145.00.
Paid SellUPhone $65.34 on April 18. (Check 794)
Deposited a paycheck on April 23. ($9.76/hour for 35 hours)
Bought $61.32 (4% sales tax not included) in clothes from BargainsRUs on April 24 using a debit card.
Number Date Transaction Description Payment, Fee, Withdrawal (–) Deposit, Credit (+) Balance $
4/16 Open Account $145.00
794 4/18 SellUPhone 65.34 $79.66
4/23 Deposit 338.45 $418.11
4/24 BargainsRUs 63.77 $354.34

He made an arithmetic error in the balance column.

He recorded one of his withdrawals in the deposit column.

He recorded his paycheck amount for April 23th incorrectly.

He completely forgot to include the clothes he bought from BargainsRUS.

To determine where Adam made an error in his register, we need to compare the transactions he recorded with the actual amounts and dates of the transactions.

Let's go through each transaction and see if there are any discrepancies:

1. The account was opened on April 16 with a tax refund check of $145.00. - This transaction is accurately recorded in the register.

2. Paid SellUPhone $65.34 on April 18. (Check 794) - According to the register, this transaction was recorded as a payment, but there is no corresponding amount listed in the payment column. This suggests that Adam recorded this as a deposit instead of a payment. Therefore, the error is that he recorded one of his withdrawals in the deposit column.

3. Deposited a paycheck on April 23. ($9.76/hour for 35 hours) - According to the register, this transaction was recorded as a deposit of $338.45. To verify if this is correct, we need to calculate the paycheck amount. $9.76/hour for 35 hours would result in a gross pay of $341.60. Assuming there are no deductions or taxes taken out, the paycheck amount should match the register. Hence, there doesn't seem to be an error in recording the paycheck amount.

4. Bought $61.32 (4% sales tax not included) in clothes from BargainsRUs on April 24 using a debit card. - According to the register, this transaction was recorded as a withdrawal, but there is no corresponding amount listed in the withdrawal column. This suggests that Adam recorded this as a deposit instead of a withdrawal. Therefore, the error is that he recorded the clothes purchase as a deposit.

Based on the analysis above, we can conclude that the error in Adam's register is that he recorded one of his withdrawals in the deposit column.

Well, it seems like Adam went wrong in the balance column because there was an arithmetic error. Maybe he got tangled up with numbers and end up with an incorrect balance. Let's hope he didn't use a calculator for his math homework back in the day! 🤡

Based on the given information, it appears that Adam made an arithmetic error in the balance column. The error can be found in the entry for the transaction with BargainsRUs on April 24.

The correct balance after deducting the $61.32 purchase from BargainsRUs should be $354.34 - $61.32 = $293.02. However, Adam recorded it as $354.34, which is incorrect.

Therefore, the mistake made by Adam is he made an arithmetic error in the balance column.
