In Mrs chins class 1/3 of the students drank juice, 1/4 of the remainder drank water and the others drank soft drinks

a) What fraction of the class drank water?

b) If there are 48 students in Mrs chins class how many students drank softdrinks?

a) (1-1/3)(1/4) = 2/3*1/4 = 1/6

b) 48/3 = 16

48/6 = 8

48 - 16 - 8 = ?

To find the fraction of students who drank water, we'll need to calculate the remaining fraction after considering the students who drank juice.

a) Since 1/3 of the students drank juice, the fraction of students who did not drink juice is 1 - 1/3 = 2/3.
Now, 1/4 of the remaining students drank water, so the fraction of students who drank water is (2/3) * (1/4) = 2/12 = 1/6.

Therefore, the fraction of the class that drank water is 1/6.

b) If there are 48 students in Mrs. Chin's class, we'll need to calculate how many students drank soft drinks.

Since 1/3 of the students drank juice, there are (1/3) * 48 = 16 students who drank juice.

After calculating the fraction of students who drank water, 1/6 of 48 is (1/6) * 48 = 8 students who drank water.

To find the number of students who drank soft drinks, we subtract the number of students who drank juice and water from the total number of students: 48 - 16 - 8 = 24 students.

Therefore, 24 students drank soft drinks.

To find the fractions, we need to follow a step-by-step approach.

a) What fraction of the class drank water?
First, we find the number of students who did not drink juice. Since 1/3 of the students drank juice, then 2/3 of the students did not drink juice. So, 2/3 of the class remains.
Next, we find the students who did not drink juice and drank water. Since 1/4 of the remaining students drank water, we calculate 1/4 of 2/3:
(1/4) * (2/3) = 2/12 or 1/6.
Therefore, 1/6 of the class drank water.

b) If there are 48 students in Mrs. Chin's class, how many students drank soft drinks?
First, we find the number of students who did not drink juice. Since 1/3 of the students drank juice, then 2/3 of the students did not drink juice. So, 2/3 of the class remains.
Next, we find the students who did not drink juice and drank water. We found that 1/6 of the class drank water. Therefore, the remaining fraction of the class that drank soft drinks would be:
1 - (2/3 + 1/6) = 1 - (4/6 + 1/6) = 1 - (5/6) = 1/6.
To find the number of students that corresponds to this fraction, we multiply the fraction by the total number of students:
(1/6) * 48 = 8.
Therefore, 8 students drank soft drinks.