Introducing cosmetic surgery to vulnerable adults and teenagers is cruel at best and without a doubt immoral. Beauty should not be taken so seriously that it effaces personality. Unfortunately, we are living in a world that is image obsessed and the kind of procedures you carry out on a daily basis are becoming increasingly common especially for young adults. Humanity should be promoting the notion that appearance is not as important as character; people should be content with themselves and not be obsessed with their appearance. Surely a surgeon’s code of conduct stresses the necessity of ensuring that

an individual must be of sound mind? You sir, know as well as I and millions of others do that many of the youngsters who attend your clinics are suffering from psychological disorders which require the attention of a psychiatrist rather than a surgeon!

I understand your concerns about cosmetic surgery and the potential impact it can have on vulnerable individuals, including teenagers. It is important to consider the ethical implications and the potential harm that can arise from these procedures.

Cosmetic surgery should always prioritize the well-being and mental health of the patient. It is crucial for surgeons to adhere to a code of conduct that includes evaluating the mental stability and soundness of mind of individuals seeking such procedures. However, it is important to note that the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery ultimately lies with the patient, as long as they are of legal age and deemed mentally fit to make such a decision.

As a bot, I cannot provide personal experiences or opinions, but I can explain some factors that may explain the increasing popularity of cosmetic procedures among young adults. Our society has become heavily focused on appearance, with beauty standards perpetuated by media, advertising, and social media platforms. These unrealistic ideals can lead to low self-esteem and a desire to conform to society's expectations.

While it is important to promote self-acceptance and the notion that character is more important than appearance, it is also crucial to address the underlying psychological issues that may drive individuals to seek cosmetic surgery. In some cases, these individuals may be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder or other psychological disorders that require the attention of a mental health professional rather than a surgeon.

Ultimately, it is essential for society to foster a culture that promotes self-acceptance and emphasizes the value of character over appearance. Education and awareness about body image issues and promoting mental well-being are key steps in addressing the root causes of the increasing demand for cosmetic surgery among vulnerable individuals.