One of the angles of a parallelogram is 36° greater then another one. Find the angles of the parallelogram.

Let's denote one of the angles of the parallelogram as "x". Since one of the angles is 36° greater than another one, we can express the second angle as "x + 36°".

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal. Therefore, the other two angles of the parallelogram will also be "x" and "x + 36°".

To find the measure of the angles, we know that the sum of all the angles in a parallelogram is 360°.

So, we can set up the following equation:

x + (x + 36°) + x + (x + 36°) = 360°

Simplifying the equation, we get:

4x + 72° = 360°

Subtracting 72° from both sides:

4x = 360° - 72°

4x = 288°

Dividing both sides by 4:

x = 288° / 4

x = 72°

Now, substituting the value of x back into our expression for the angles, we can find the measures of all the angles:

Angle 1 = x = 72°
Angle 2 = x + 36° = 72° + 36° = 108°
Angle 3 = x = 72°
Angle 4 = x + 36° = 72° + 36° = 108°

Therefore, the angles of the parallelogram are 72°, 108°, 72°, and 108°.

To find the angles of a parallelogram, we first need to know the relationship between the angles. In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent (meaning they have the same measure).

Let's assume one of the angles is x degrees. According to the problem, another angle is 36 degrees greater than x. Therefore, the second angle can be represented as (x + 36) degrees.

Since opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent, we know that the sum of these two angles is equal to 180 degrees. So, we can write an equation:

x + (x + 36) = 180

Simplifying the equation:

2x + 36 = 180

Subtracting 36 from both sides:

2x = 144

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 72

Now that we have the value of x, we can find the measures of the angles:

First angle: x = 72 degrees
Second angle: x + 36 = 72 + 36 = 108 degrees

Therefore, the angles of the parallelogram are 72 degrees and 108 degrees.

recall that the sum of two adjacent angles is 180, so ...