George goes to the supermarket to buy some canned tomatoes to make salsa for a party. The cans are on sale for $0.95 each. He has $4.75. Let x represent the number of cans that he can buy. Write the equation that models this situation.

0.95x = 4.75


The equation that models this situation is:

0.95x = 4.75

To write an equation that models the situation, we need to consider the cost of the canned tomatoes and the available budget.

Let's break down the information given:

- The cans are on sale for $0.95 each.
- George has $4.75.

We can denote x as the number of cans George can buy.

The cost of x cans is given by multiplying the number of cans by the cost per can, which is $0.95. So, the cost of x cans would be 0.95x.

Now, we need to ensure that the cost of the cans does not exceed George's budget. Since he has $4.75 available, we can set up the equation:

0.95x ≤ 4.75

This equation states that the cost of x cans (0.95x) should be less than or equal to $4.75.

Therefore, the equation that models this situation is 0.95x ≤ 4.75.