A 9.8-kg monkey hangs from a rope, as shown in (Figure 1) . The tension on the left side of the rope is T1 and the tension on the right side is T2. In the figure, θ=15∘ and ϕ=23∘.

Determine the tension T1.
Express your answer to two significant figures and include appropriate units.

Determine the tension T2.
Express your answer to two significant figures and include appropriate un


T1 = 68.2 N
T2 = 58.3 N

Well, let's start monkeying around with this problem!

To find the tensions T1 and T2, we need to take a closer look at the forces acting on our hanging monkey.

First, we have the force of gravity pulling down on the monkey, which we can call Fg. We know the mass of the monkey is 9.8 kg, so we can calculate Fg using the formula Fg = m * g. Since g is the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2, we can calculate Fg as Fg = 9.8 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 96.04 N.

Now, let's break down the tension forces acting on the rope. We have T1 on the left side and T2 on the right side. Since the monkey is hanging in equilibrium, these two tensions must balance out the force of gravity.

Let's focus on the vertical forces. We can see that T1 and T2 have vertical components, and we can calculate these components using trigonometry. The vertical component of T1 is T1v = T1 * sin(θ), and the vertical component of T2 is T2v = T2 * sin(ϕ).

Now, since the monkey is hanging in equilibrium, the sum of the vertical forces must be zero. This means that T1v + T2v - Fg = 0.

We can rearrange this equation to solve for T1: T1v = Fg - T2v. Substituting in the values we have, T1v = 96.04 N - (T2 * sin(ϕ)).

Since we have the angle ϕ and we know that T1v = T1 * sin(θ), we can solve for T1: T1 = T1v / sin(θ). Substituting in the values, T1 = (96.04 N - (T2 * sin(ϕ))) / sin(θ).

But wait, there's more! We still need to find T2. To do this, let's take a look at the horizontal forces.

We can see that T1 and T2 also have horizontal components, and we can calculate these using trigonometry too. The horizontal component of T1 is T1h = T1 * cos(θ), and the horizontal component of T2 is T2h = T2 * cos(ϕ).

Since the monkey is hanging in equilibrium, the sum of the horizontal forces must also be zero. This means that T1h + T2h = 0.

We can rearrange this equation to solve for T2: T2 = -T1h / cos(ϕ). Substituting in the values, T2 = -(T1 * cos(θ)) / cos(ϕ).

So, there you have it! The tension T1 is given by the equation T1 = (96.04 N - (T2 * sin(ϕ))) / sin(θ). And the tension T2 is given by the equation T2 = -(T1 * cos(θ)) / cos(ϕ).

Now, I would love to give you an exact numerical answer, but I'm afraid I just can't crunch the numbers for you. But hey, you've got the equations, so go ahead and calculate those tensions with two significant figures! Just don't let the monkey swing too far with all those numbers flying around!

To determine the tensions T1 and T2, we can consider the forces acting on the monkey in the horizontal and vertical directions.

In the vertical direction, the monkey's weight is acting downward, and the two tensions T1 and T2 are acting upward. Therefore, we can write the equation:

T1 + T2 = mg

Where m is the mass of the monkey and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

Now let's consider the horizontal forces. We have two tensions T1 and T2 acting at different angles. We can break down each tension into horizontal and vertical components.

For tension T1:
The horizontal component is T1 * cos(θ), and the vertical component is T1 * sin(θ).

For tension T2:
The horizontal component is T2 * cos(ϕ), and the vertical component is T2 * sin(ϕ).

Since the monkey is in equilibrium (not moving), the horizontal components of the tensions must balance each other. Therefore, we have:

T1 * cos(θ) = T2 * cos(ϕ) ------------ (1)

Now, let's solve for T1:

From equation (1), T1 = T2 * cos(ϕ) / cos(θ)

Substituting the given values of θ = 15° and ϕ = 23°, and taking the mass m = 9.8 kg and g = 9.8 m/s^2, we can calculate T1:

T1 = T2 * cos(23°) / cos(15°)

Using a calculator, this gives:

T1 ≈ T2 * 0.921 / 0.966

Now, let's solve for T2:

From the vertical equilibrium equation T1 + T2 = mg, we can substitute the known values:

T2 + T2 = 9.8 kg * 9.8 m/s^2

Simplifying this equation, we get:

2 * T2 = 9.8 kg * 9.8 m/s^2

Now, solving for T2:

T2 = (9.8 kg * 9.8 m/s^2) / 2

Using a calculator, we find:

T2 ≈ 48.02 N

Finally, substituting this value of T2 into the equation for T1, we can calculate T1:

T1 ≈ 48.02 N * 0.921 / 0.966

Using a calculator, this gives:

T1 ≈ 45.78 N

Therefore, the tension T1 is approximately 45.78 N and the tension T2 is approximately 48.02 N.

To determine the tensions T1 and T2, we can use the concepts of equilibrium and resolving forces.

1. To find T1:
We need to resolve the forces in the vertical direction. The force of gravity acting downwards is equal to the tension T1 acting upwards. So, we can write the equation:

T1 = m * g

where m is the mass of the monkey (9.8 kg) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

Substituting the values into the equation:
T1 = 9.8 kg * 9.8 m/s^2
T1 = 96.04 N

Therefore, the tension T1 is approximately 96 N.

2. To find T2:
We need to resolve the forces horizontally. There are multiple forces acting horizontally - the component of T1 and the component of T2. By using trigonometry, we can find the relation between these forces.

Considering the angle θ = 15°, the horizontal component of T1 can be found as follows:

T1_h = T1 * cos(θ)

Substituting the known values:
T1_h = 96 N * cos(15°)
T1_h ≈ 93.94 N

Now, we can consider the angle ϕ = 23°. The horizontal component of T2 can be found as follows:

T2_h = T2 * cos(ϕ)

Substituting T2_h and solving for T2:
T2 * cos(ϕ) = T1_h
T2 = T1_h / cos(ϕ)

Substituting the known values:
T2 ≈ 93.94 N / cos(23°)
T2 ≈ 101.09 N

Therefore, the tension T2 is approximately 101 N.