The reading center needs to represent a variety of cultures. Which of the following teachers' responses

reflects the philosophy found in your textbook?
A. "I choose books that represent the cultures that are in my community. We live in a community with many American Indians, so
I try to make sure that I have books that represent the American Indian culture."
B. "I provide a variety of multicultural literature as a way of exposing children to their own and to others' cultures."
C. "At the beginning of the school year, I ask each of the parents what culture they are. This year all the parents said they're
Caucasian. I guess I don't need to worry about multicultural literature this year."
D. "I believe that it's more important to choose high quality books that fit with the theme we're studying rather than worrying
about whether they're multicultural."

my answer is b.

Yes, B.

Correct! Option B, "I provide a variety of multicultural literature as a way of exposing children to their own and to others' cultures," reflects the philosophy of representing a variety of cultures in the reading center. It shows a commitment to promoting cultural diversity and providing an inclusive learning environment.

Correct! Option B reflects the philosophy found in the textbook. It emphasizes the importance of providing a variety of multicultural literature to expose children to their own and others' cultures. This approach recognizes the value of diversity and promotes cultural understanding and appreciation. To arrive at this answer, you compared the different options and identified the one that aligns with the principles outlined in the reading materials. Well done!