Given: ∆ABC is isosceles

m∠ACB = 120°
m∠BMC = 60°
CM = 12
Find: AB

is it 15?

where is M?

on line segment PR

and PR is where?

To find the length of AB, we need to make use of the given information and apply the properties of isosceles triangles.

In an isosceles triangle, two sides are congruent, and the angles opposite those sides are also congruent.

Since triangle ABC is isosceles, we know that AC = BC.

Given that m∠ACB = 120° and ∆ABC is isosceles, we can conclude that m∠CAB = m∠CBA = (180° - 120°) / 2 = 60°.

Now, let's consider triangle BMC. We are given that m∠BMC = 60° and CM = 12.

To find BM, we can use the Law of Cosines for triangle BMC:

BM^2 = BC^2 + CM^2 - 2 * BC * CM * cos(m∠BMC)

Since BC = AC (is a property of an isosceles triangle), we can substitute BC with AC:

BM^2 = AC^2 + CM^2 - 2 * AC * CM * cos(m∠BMC)

Now we can substitute the known values:

BM^2 = AC^2 + 12^2 - 2 * AC * 12 * cos(60°)

To simplify further, we can rewrite cos(60°) as 1/2:

BM^2 = AC^2 + 144 - 12AC

Since AC = BC, we can rewrite AC as x:

BM^2 = x^2 + 144 - 12x

Now, let's consider triangle ABC again. We know that m∠CAB = 60° and m∠CBA = 60°. Therefore, m∠ACB = 180° - m∠CAB - m∠CBA = 180° - 60° - 60° = 60°.

This means that triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle.

In an equilateral triangle, all sides are congruent. So, AC = BC = AB = x.

Since ∆ABC is equilateral, we can rewrite the equation as:

BM^2 = AB^2 + 144 - 12AB

Substituting x with AB:

BM^2 = AB^2 + 144 - 12AB

Now we need to solve for BM.

Given that m∠BMC = 60° and CM = 12, we can use the Law of Cosines for triangle BMC:

BM^2 = BC^2 + CM^2 - 2 * BC * CM * cos(m∠BMC)

We know that BC = AC = AB = x, so we can substitute BC with x:

BM^2 = x^2 + 12^2 - 2 * x * 12 * cos(60°)

Simplifying further:

BM^2 = x^2 + 144 - 24x * (1/2)

BM^2 = x^2 + 144 - 12x

Now we have two equations for BM^2, so we can equate them:

x^2 + 144 - 12x = AB^2 + 144 - 12AB


x^2 - AB^2 - 12x + 12AB = 0

Now, let's solve the quadratic equation by factoring:

(X - AB)(X + AB - 12) = 0

Setting each factor to zero:

X - AB = 0 or X + AB - 12 = 0

Solving for X in the first equation:

X = AB

Now, let's solve for AB in the second equation:

X + AB - 12 = 0

AB = 12 - X

Substituting X = AB:

AB = 12 - AB

2AB = 12

AB = 6

So, the length of AB is 6, not 15.