Are two kites always, sometimes, or never similar?

a. Always
b. Sometimes***
c. Never

Well, when it comes to kites, they can sometimes be similar. After all, two kites can have the same shape, structure, and proportions, which would make them similar. However, if one kite is made out of cheese and the other is made out of feathers, then they might not be similar at all. So, the answer is sometimes! Keep soaring high with those kites! 🪁

b. Sometimes

The correct answer is b. Sometimes. Two kites can be similar, but it is not always the case.

To determine if two kites are similar, we need to look at their corresponding sides and angles. Two kites are similar if and only if their corresponding angles are congruent and their corresponding sides are proportional.

If two kites have all angles congruent and all sides proportional, then they are similar. However, if even one angle is not congruent or one side is not proportional, then they are not similar.

So, it is possible for two kites to be similar, but it is not always the case.
