(this course is called Business Computer Info System fyi)

Describe how you would select a function in an spreadsheet.

??? Please help!

We can help you, but you have to try first. Tell us what you think it means first. We aren't going to just give you an answer, unless you try and solve the problem on your own.

Since you've chosen to ignore directions, you must not really care for an answer to your question.


I did not mean to ignore the directions. I believed I had placed this question under the subject I needed. Sorry for that. Thank you and have a good day Ms. Sue. :)

To select a function in a spreadsheet, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other spreadsheet software, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the spreadsheet software and open the desired sheet or create a new one.
2. Decide where you want to insert the function. Select the cell or the range of cells where you want to display the result of the function.
3. Click on the cell where you want to insert the function. This will highlight the selected cell.
4. Locate the "Formulas" or "Functions" tab at the top of the application window. The location and labeling may vary depending on the spreadsheet software you are using.
5. Click on the "Formulas" or "Functions" tab to reveal the available functions.
6. Look for a specific function by scrolling through the list, or use the search bar if your spreadsheet software provides one. Most spreadsheet software offers a vast range of functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, etc.
7. Once you have found the desired function, click on it to select it.
8. A function window or dialog box will appear, prompting you to enter specific arguments or parameters for that particular function.
9. Fill in the required arguments for the function based on your data. The arguments may include cell references or specific values.
10. After entering the arguments, press Enter or click on the OK button to apply the function to the selected cell or range.
11. The function will be executed, and the result will be displayed in the selected cell or cells.

Remember to review the documentation or help section specific to your spreadsheet software for detailed instructions or to learn about any unique features or functions that might be available.

If you want to do yourself a favor, just put "Computers" in the subject space. No one here will have the slightest clue what BCIS means ... or care!! But "Computers" will get the right people's attention.