sorry for the repetitive questions! otherwise thank you for taking the time to check my answers.

Underline the gerund, some do not have a gerund if so write ''no gerund.''
1. Sketching is fun for me.
Sketching - Subject

2. Marya exercises every day by swimming.
Swimming - Object of preposition

3. She and I are singing in the chorus tonight.
No gerund

4. Of all my interests, I care most about reading.
Reading - object of preposition

5. Traveling comes second or third on my list of favorites.

Traveling - Subject

6. What is the most interesting hobby for you?
No gerund

7. Her other leisure activity is painting.
Painting - Predicate noun

3 is wrong. The others are correct.

You're right. 3. does not have a gerund. Singing is part of the verb, are singing.

All are right.

I disagree on #3, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

Well done on your answers! Here's a breakdown of each sentence and the identification of the gerund:

1. Sketching is fun for me.
Gerund: Sketching (subject)

2. Marya exercises every day by swimming.
Gerund: Swimming (object of preposition)

3. She and I are singing in the chorus tonight.
No gerund in this sentence.

4. Of all my interests, I care most about reading.
Gerund: Reading (object of preposition)

5. Traveling comes second or third on my list of favorites.
Gerund: Traveling (subject)

6. What is the most interesting hobby for you?
No gerund in this sentence.

7. Her other leisure activity is painting.
Gerund: Painting (predicate noun)

Great job identifying the gerunds accurately! Keep up the good work!