How would you know if triangles are regular or irregular

Equilateral triangles are regular. All other triangles are irregular.

thanks Ms Sue

You're welcome, Young Trippy.

u can call me laila if its easier

To determine if a triangle is regular or irregular, you need to examine its sides and angles. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Regular Triangle: A regular triangle, also known as an equilateral triangle, has three equal sides and three equal angles. Each angle is exactly 60 degrees. To identify a regular triangle, you can measure the lengths of its sides using a ruler or measuring tape. If all three sides are equal, it is regular.

2. Irregular Triangle: An irregular triangle is any triangle that does not meet the criteria of a regular triangle. In an irregular triangle, at least one angle or at least one side length is different from the others. To detect irregularity, you can measure the angles using a protractor. If any of the angles are not exactly 60 degrees or if any side lengths are not equal, the triangle is irregular.

Note that in some cases, you might still face challenges determining if a triangle is regular or irregular due to measurement errors. Using precise measuring tools and techniques can help minimize errors and ensure accurate results.