Karan took a loan of rs 70000 from a bank. If the rate of interest is 10%per annum find difference in amount he would be paying after 1.5 year if the interest is compound annually and compound half yearly

compound: 70000(1+.10/2)^3 = 81033.75

simple: 70000(1+(.10/2)*3) = 80500

oops. I misread. the problem.

The above rates are for 1/2 yearly accrual of interest.

For annual compounding, the amount is

70000(1+.10)^(3/2) = 80758.28

Actually, though, after a year and a half, the annual rate has only been applied once, so the amount in the account is only

70000(1+.10)^1 = 77000

The interest will not be applied till the end of the 2nd year.

To find the difference in the amount Karan would be paying after 1.5 years with compound annual interest and compound half-yearly interest, we need to use the compound interest formula:

Compound Interest = Principal Amount * (1 + Rate/100)^Time - Principal Amount

1. Compound Annual Interest:
First, let's calculate the amount Karan would be paying after 1.5 years with compound interest compounded annually:
Principal Amount = Rs 70,000
Rate of Interest = 10% per annum
Time = 1.5 years

Compound Interest = 70000 * (1 + 10/100)^1.5 - 70000

To get the difference in the amount from the original principal, we subtract the principal amount from the compound interest:

Difference = Compound Interest - Principal Amount

2. Compound Half-Yearly Interest:
Now, let's calculate the amount Karan would be paying after 1.5 years with compound interest compounded half-yearly. Here, the time is in half-yearly terms, so we need to adjust the rate accordingly:

Principal Amount = Rs 70,000
Rate of Interest = 10% per annum = 5% per half year (10%/2)
Time = 1.5 years = 3 half years (1.5 * 2)

Compound Interest = 70000 * (1 + 5/100)^3 - 70000

Again, to get the difference in the amount from the original principal, we subtract the principal amount from the compound interest:

Difference = Compound Interest - Principal Amount

By calculating the differences using these formulas, you will find the respective differences in the amounts for compound annual and compound half-yearly interest.