is this thesis good?

1) Cell phones are becoming increasingly popular and are in use almost anywhere one goes.

Thank you.

Sounds possible, but how will you support this thesis?

Cell phones become increasingly popular and use almost anywhere.

That's not really a thesis statement because you don't take any arguable position about anything. You have stated facts, but that's about all.

Read through these -- -- especially the first two.

Then try again.

To determine if a thesis statement is good, we need to assess if it meets certain criteria. A good thesis statement should be clear, specific, arguable, and relevant to the topic.

Looking at your thesis statement, let's evaluate it against these criteria:
1) Clear: Your thesis statement effectively communicates the topic of discussion—cell phone popularity.
2) Specific: It mentions that cell phones are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, which adds specificity to the statement.
3) Arguable: The statement can be debated since it suggests that cell phones are popular and used almost anywhere one goes. Different people may have different perspectives on this topic.
4) Relevant: The topic of cell phone popularity is relevant to our modern society.

Overall, your thesis statement appears to be good as it meets the criteria for a solid thesis statement. However, it is always good to remember that the quality of a thesis statement also depends on how well it aligns with the purpose and scope of your essay or research.