

that is wrong

Draw a number line and mark all described points on it.

Numbers that are either larger than –2 or smaller than 3.


To simplify the expression (-6)∙(a+2b-3c-4d)-(-2)∙(-4a-3b+2c+d), we can start by distributing the numbers outside the parentheses to the terms inside.

First, let's distribute -6 to each term inside the first set of parentheses:

-6(a+2b-3c-4d) = -6a - 12b + 18c + 24d

Next, we'll distribute -(-2) (which is essentially multiplying by a positive 2) to each term inside the second set of parentheses:

2(-4a-3b+2c+d) = -8a - 6b + 4c + 2d

Now that we have simplified each part separately, we can combine the terms:

(-6a - 12b + 18c + 24d) - (-8a - 6b + 4c + 2d)

To remove the double negative, we can change the subtraction inside the parentheses to addition:

(-6a - 12b + 18c + 24d) + (8a + 6b - 4c - 2d)

Now, we can combine the like terms by adding coefficients of the same variables:

(-6a + 8a) + (-12b + 6b) + (18c - 4c) + (24d - 2d)

Simplifying each group of like terms:

2a - 6b + 14c + 22d

So, the simplified expression is:
2a - 6b + 14c + 22d


= -6a - 12b + 18c + 24d - (8a + 6b - 4c - 2d)
= -6a - 12b + 18c + 24d - 8a - 6b + 4c + 2d
= .....

Thanks Anonymous!


"Please Help"? You are drowning and want a life preserver or a lifeguard? Your house is on fire and I should call 911?