Find the ratio of 5 days to 20 hours

(5*24)/20 = ?

5 days : 20 hours

= 120 days : 20 days
= 120 : 20
= 6 : 1

16m to 48cm

To find the ratio of 5 days to 20 hours, we need to convert both quantities to the same unit of time. Since there are 24 hours in a day, we can convert 5 days to hours by multiplying it by 24:

5 days × 24 hours/day = 120 hours

Now, we have the quantities in the same unit of time. The ratio of 5 days to 20 hours is:

120 hours : 20 hours

To simplify the ratio, we divide both values by their greatest common divisor, which in this case is 20:

120 hours ÷ 20 = 6
20 hours ÷ 20 = 1

Therefore, the simplified ratio is:

6 : 1