Create the psuedocode for an application class named Monogram. Its main() method holds three variables that hold your first, middle, and last initials, respectively. Create a method to which you pass the three initials and that displays the initials twice—once in the order of first, middle, and last, and a second time in traditional monogram style (first, last, middle).

Here is the pseudocode for the Monogram application class:

class Monogram:

method main():
print "Enter your first initial: "
read firstInitial
print "Enter your middle initial: "
read middleInitial
print "Enter your last initial: "
read lastInitial

displayInitials(firstInitial, middleInitial, lastInitial)

method displayInitials(initial1, initial2, initial3):
print "The initials in order of first, middle, and last: " + initial1 + initial2 + initial3
print "The initials in traditional monogram style: " + initial1 + initial3 + initial2


Please note that this is just the pseudocode and not the actual code. You can use this pseudocode as a guideline to implement the Monogram application class in a programming language of your choice.

Sure! Here's a pseudocode for the Monogram application class:

class Monogram:
method main():
// Declare variables for first, middle, and last initials
let firstInitial be a string
let middleInitial be a string
let lastInitial be a string

// Get first, middle, and last initials from user
firstInitial = getInput("Enter your first initial: ")
middleInitial = getInput("Enter your middle initial: ")
lastInitial = getInput("Enter your last initial: ")

// Display initials in the order of first, middle, and last
displayInitials(firstInitial, middleInitial, lastInitial)

// Display initials in the traditional monogram style
displayMonogram(firstInitial, middleInitial, lastInitial)

method displayInitials(firstInitial, middleInitial, lastInitial):
// Display initials in the order of first, middle, and last
display "Initials: " + firstInitial + " " + middleInitial + " " + lastInitial

method displayMonogram(firstInitial, middleInitial, lastInitial):
// Display initials in the traditional monogram style
display "Monogram: " + firstInitial + " " + lastInitial + " " + middleInitial

method getInput(prompt):
// Display prompt to get user input and return the input
display prompt
let input be a string
input = readUserInput()
return input

method display(output):
// Display output to the user
display output

method readUserInput():
// Read input from user and return it as a string
let userInput be a string
userInput = readUserInputFromConsole()
return userInput

Please note that this is pseudocode, which means it's not written in any specific programming language but rather serves as a general guide for implementing the application logic. You can translate this pseudocode into the programming language of your choice.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Names {

public static void main (String[]args) {

//declare variables
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String monogram;

// Create a scanner class
Scanner input = new Scanner (;

System.out.println("Enter your first name: ");
firstName = input.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter your middle initial: ");
middleName = input.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter your last name: ");
lastName = input.nextLine();


monogram = String.valueOf(first.charAt(0)).toLowerCase() +
String.valueOf(middle.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() +
String .valueOf(last.charAt(0)).toLowerCase();


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Names {

public static void main (String[]args) {

//declare variables
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String monogram;

// Create a scanner class
Scanner input = new Scanner (;

System.out.println("Enter your first name: ");
firstName = input.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter your middle initial: ");
middleName = input.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter your last name: ");
lastName = input.nextLine();


monogram = String.valueOf(first.charAt(0)).toLowerCase() +
String.valueOf(middle.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() +
String .valueOf(last.charAt(0)).toLowerCase();
