i have no idea what they are asking, help!!

For this portfolio project, you will conduct research and examine documents that show the thoughts of both immigrants and people who opposed immigration. You will use the research and primary documents to write an essay in which you answer the question: How did immigration affect immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900?
Your final product will describe the feelings of immigrants in America and people who opposed immigration in America. Your essay should incorporate information from the primary source documents as well as information you researched.

1. You will conduct research and examine documents that show the thoughts of both immigrants and people who opposed immigration.

2. Write an essay in which you answer the question: How did immigration affect immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900?

3. Describe the feelings of immigrants in America and people who opposed immigration in America.

4. Your essay should incorporate information from the primary source documents as well as information you researched.

Hello, erm, i have to do this same thing and I need help. I'm majorly behind and really need help on this. Mind giving me a hand? .-.

To-> W.D gaster blaster master

To begin this project, you first need to understand the objective. The goal is to explore and analyze the impact of immigration on both immigrants and other Americans during the time period around 1900. You will utilize research and primary documents to gather information for your essay.

To get started, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Research: Begin by conducting research on the topic of immigration in America during the early 1900s. Explore various sources such as books, articles, and credible websites to gather information about the experiences and perspectives of immigrants during this time.

2. Primary source analysis: Identify primary source documents that provide insights into the thoughts and experiences of immigrants and individuals who opposed immigration. These could include diaries, letters, newspaper articles, or political speeches. Analyze these sources carefully, noting key details, themes, and perspectives.

3. Note-taking: Create a system for organizing your research findings and primary source analysis. Take detailed notes on relevant information, quotes, and examples that can support your essay's main points.

4. Outline: Once you have gathered and analyzed sufficient information, create an outline for your essay. Divide it into sections such as an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Ensure that your main points and supporting evidence are clearly outlined in the structure.

5. Introduction: Begin your essay with a compelling introduction that provides context for the immigration issue during the early 1900s. Clearly state your thesis statement, which is the answer to the question of how immigration affected immigrants and other Americans.

6. Body paragraphs: Develop your essay by elaborating on specific points related to the impact of immigration. Use evidence from your research and primary source analysis to support each point. Consider discussing topics such as living conditions, employment opportunities, cultural assimilation, and social tensions.

7. Analysis: Analyze the information you have gathered and provide interpretations of the primary sources you examined. Consider the perspectives and motivations of both immigrants and those who opposed immigration during this era.

8. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in a clear and concise manner. Offer some final thoughts on the long-term impact of immigration during this time period.

9. Editing and revising: Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Make sure your arguments are well-supported and that your essay flows logically from one point to another. Edit and revise as needed to improve your essay's overall quality.

By following these steps, you should be able to construct a well-researched and well-structured essay on how immigration affected immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900. Good luck with your project!

Based on the prompt, it seems like you're being asked to write an essay about the impact of immigration on both immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900. To successfully complete this project, here are the steps you can follow:

1. Research: Begin by conducting research to gather information about immigration during the early 20th century, focusing on the year 1900. Look for reliable sources such as books, articles, and academic websites to understand the historical context and various perspectives on immigration.

2. Primary Source Documents: Search for primary source documents related to immigration during that time period. These could include letters, newspaper articles, government records, or personal accounts from immigrants themselves or individuals who opposed immigration. Evaluate the credibility of these sources and take notes on relevant information.

3. Analyze and compare perspectives: Examine the primary source documents to understand the feelings and experiences of immigrants in America as well as the viewpoints of those who opposed immigration. Look for common themes, contrasting views, and any significant events or laws related to immigration at the time.

4. Organize your essay: Plan the structure and outline of your essay. A typical structure might include an introduction that presents the background and thesis statement, body paragraphs that discuss the impact on immigrants and the impact on other Americans, and a conclusion that summarizes your findings.

5. Incorporate researched information: As you write your essay, incorporate the information you gathered from your research alongside the primary source documents. Ensure that the sources you cite are reliable and support your arguments.

6. Analyze and interpret: When analyzing the primary sources, be sure to critically evaluate their content and consider the context in which they were created. Look for underlying motivations, biases, or limitations that may influence their perspectives.

7. Conclusion: Summarize your findings at the end of your essay. Discuss the overall impact of immigration on both immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900. Reflect on any lasting effects or changes that occurred as a result of this period of immigration.

Remember to follow any specific instructions given by your teacher, such as formatting requirements or word count limits. Additionally, proofread and revise your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and proper citation of sources. Good luck with your project!