Are drones an effective use of counter-terror techniques or a mechanism of state terrorism?

Why not both?

I believe they are instruments of state terrorism.

Read facts and other opinions in some of these articles.*

This drone footage shows the extent of the flooding in a suburban area north of Houston at the end of May, 2016.
As a result of this film and several others taken over different areas, county officials and utility districts have learned where they need to beef up flood control, among other things.

This is only one example of how drones can be used for the public good, although I know they can be used for other purposes, too. The questions should not be about the drones themselves, but the people who use them and for what purposes.

Drones themselves are neither good nor bad. How humans direct their use can be judged, though.

Exactly, Ms. Sue! =)

Determining whether drones are an effective use of counter-terror techniques or a mechanism of state terrorism is a contentious and subjective question. While I cannot provide a definitive answer, I can explain the factors and arguments to consider when forming an opinion on this matter.

1. Effectiveness of drones in counter-terrorism:
To evaluate the effectiveness of drones in counter-terrorism, one must consider the following points:

a. Precision and accuracy: Drones are often touted for their ability to conduct targeted strikes, minimizing civilian casualties compared to traditional military operations.
b. Intelligence gathering: Drones can provide valuable real-time intelligence, aiding counter-terrorism efforts by monitoring and analyzing areas of interest.
c. Strategic advantages: Drones offer the capability to strike targets remotely and clandestinely, allowing for flexibility and reducing risks to military personnel.

2. Concerns regarding state terrorism:
On the other hand, there are concerns regarding the use of drones as a mechanism of state terrorism:

a. Violation of sovereignty: The use of armed drones by one country within the territory of another may violate international laws and infringe upon a nation's sovereignty.
b. Civilian casualties: Despite claims of accuracy, there have been cases where drone strikes have resulted in civilian deaths and raised questions about the proportionality of force used.
c. Psychological impact: Continuous drone surveillance or strikes can create fear, anxiety, and resentment among affected communities, potentially exacerbating radicalization and anti-state sentiment.

To form an informed opinion on this matter, it is crucial to consider various perspectives and weigh the benefits against the potential consequences. It is advisable to study credible sources, consult expert analyses, and engage in discussions that explore both sides of the argument.