Calculate and give answer of appropriate number of significant digits

A. 7.6 x21.9
B. 2,15 x 3.1 x 100
C. 38/7

To calculate and give the answer with the appropriate number of significant digits, follow these steps:

A. 7.6 x 21.9:
1. Multiply 7.6 by 21.9:
7.6 x 21.9 = 166.44
2. Determine the number of significant digits in both numbers.
- 7.6 has two significant digits.
- 21.9 has three significant digits.
3. To find the appropriate number of significant digits in the answer, choose the smallest number of significant digits from the original numbers.
- In this case, the answer should have two significant digits.
4. Round the calculated value to two significant digits:
- 166.44 rounded to two significant digits is 170.

Therefore, the answer is 170 with appropriate two significant digits.

B. 2.15 x 3.1 x 100:
1. Multiply 2.15 by 3.1:
2.15 x 3.1 = 6.665
2. Multiply the result by 100:
6.665 x 100 = 666.5
3. Determine the number of significant digits in each number:
- 2.15 has three significant digits.
- 3.1 has two significant digits.
- 100 has one significant digit.
4. Choose the smallest number of significant digits, which is one.
5. Round the calculated value to one significant digit:
- 666.5 rounded to one significant digit is 700.

Therefore, the answer is 700 with the appropriate one significant digit.

C. 38/7:
To calculate the quotient, divide 38 by 7:
38 รท 7 = 5.42857142857

Since both 38 and 7 have two significant digits, the answer should have two significant digits as well.
To round the answer to two significant digits, round it to the hundredth decimal place.

5.42857142857 rounded to two significant digits is 5.4.

Therefore, the answer is 5.4 with the appropriate two significant digits.

No ideas? Surely you have a calculator.