Suppose n is an integer. Select all statements below that are true: (choose 3)

A) n^2 + n is always an even integer***
B) n^2 + n is always an even integer when n is even***
C) n^2 + n is always an even integer when n is odd***
D) n^2 + n is never an even integer when n is odd
E) n^2 + n is never an even integer
F) n^2 + n is sometimes an even integer

Please correct my answers. Thanks!

a b c are correct y’all

the full thing 100%

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. A,B,C

A includes B and C.

the first three are correct

Those who said A, B, and C are correct I got that question right

For full points, it's A, B, and C. <3 I just took the test and got it correct.

From my examples, A is correct.

What about the rest?


100% from @Full thing ig

Thanks, I was literally thinking the same answers and I was like this will help me.

: )