What is an external conflict in act one of Julius Caesar?

The first scene starts with an argument.


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To identify an external conflict in Act One of Julius Caesar, you can follow these steps:

1. Read Act One: Start by reading Act One of the play "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare. Act One introduces the main characters and establishes the setting and initial conflicts.

2. Identify Key Characters: Take note of the main characters involved in Act One. In this case, the central characters are Julius Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, and Mark Antony.

3. Understand External Conflict: An external conflict refers to a struggle that occurs between a character and an outside force, such as another character, society, or nature.

4. Analyze Scene: Focus on the dialogue and actions of the characters in Act One. Look for instances where characters engage in conflict with one another or face opposition from external circumstances.

In Act One of Julius Caesar, one significant example of external conflict is the power struggle between Caesar and the conspirators, led by Cassius. Cassius is envious of Caesar's power and influence, and he aims to persuade Brutus to join his plot to assassinate Caesar. This external conflict between Cassius and Caesar sets the stage for the rest of the play and serves as the catalyst for the events that follow.