What are the values of a and b?

A. a=9/2 b=15/2
B. a=15/2 b=9/2
C. a=16/3 b=15/2
D. a=9/2 b=13/2

The triangle has a hypotenuse that is 8 and a with the other side being 10 and another side of b. the altitude is 6.

Proportions In Triangles Quiz Connexus


2.) A.) a= 9/2, b=15/2

3.) A.) 5

4.) A.) 46 2/3 yards

5.) D.) 8.3 cm, 5.8 cm

These are correct i got a 100% Have A Blessed Day

my answer is A

All are A except the last one, its D

i think you're correct

Use4checking is correct 5/5

god bless you use4checking

To determine the values of a and b, we can use the Pythagorean theorem and the area formula of a triangle.

1. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we know that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
In this case, the hypotenuse is given as 8, one side is 10, and the altitude is 6.

Let's start by finding the length of the missing side using the Pythagorean theorem:
a^2 + 6^2 = 8^2
a^2 + 36 = 64
a^2 = 28
a = √28

2. Next, let's find the area of the triangle using the formula A = (base * height) / 2.
The base of the triangle is a, and the height is given as 6.
So, the area is A = (a * 6) / 2 = 3a.

3. Now, we can substitute the value of a in terms of √28 into the area equation:
A = 3(√28) = 3√28 = 3√(4 * 7) = 3 * 2√7 = 6√7.

Finally, let's match the calculated values with the options given:
A. a=9/2 b=15/2
B. a=15/2 b=9/2
C. a=16/3 b=15/2
D. a=9/2 b=13/2

By comparing the calculated values, we find that the values of a and b are not exactly equal to any of the given options. However, option C (a=16/3, b=15/2) is closest to the calculated values.