I am stuck on the test ss 2b one the lesson 13 test

Why is mining important to the economy of the Untied states?
I but mineral

I am so stuck on this test

Are you supposed to be doing the test with or without help?

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To answer the question, "Why is mining important to the economy of the United States?" we need to consider the significance of mining for the country. Mining plays a vital role in the US economy for several reasons:

1. Job Creation: The mining industry provides employment opportunities for thousands of people across the country. From miners to engineers, geologists, and support staff, mining operations require a diverse workforce.

2. Economic Growth: Mining contributes significantly to the country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) by generating revenue through the extraction and sale of minerals. This revenue, in turn, supports economic growth and development.

3. Energy and Resources: Mining is essential for accessing and extracting valuable natural resources like coal, oil, natural gas, metals, and minerals. These resources are necessary for various industries, including manufacturing, construction, energy production, and technology.

4. Export Industry: The United States is a major exporter of minerals and mining products. By mining and selling these resources to other countries, the US can generate export revenue, which helps balance trade deficits and strengthen the overall economy.

5. Infrastructure and Construction: Mining plays a pivotal role in providing the necessary raw materials for infrastructure development, including roads, bridges, buildings, and more. Without mining, the availability of key construction materials would be limited, hindering national development.

Now, to tackle the test question, it is essential to review your class materials, textbook, or notes to find specific information about the role of mining in the US economy. Look for keywords like job creation, economic growth, energy resources, export industry, and infrastructure development. By understanding these concepts and finding relevant information, you will be able to answer the question accurately.

Dang first test and your stuck you have a bunch of resources ook back in previous lessons or use the internet not this site because no one is going to just give ou the answer

If you are in connexus there is no unit 1 lesson 13????

I suggest that you read your text book. I know that all home schools send you a text book. Read, find the answer, and then we will check it for you.

No tutors here know what "test ss 2b one the lesson 13 test" means.

Be aware that tests are supposed to indicate what you have learned -- or not. Getting "help" online during a test is not a good idea. It's often called cheating!

Go back and read or re-read your text; then try the test again. See if you don't do better.
