A car rental agency charges ​$175

per week plus ​$0.2 per mile to rent a car. How many miles can you travel in one week for $355 question mark

first subtract 175 from 355 because that number is already set. Then divide 180 by 0.2

that should give you your answer

subtract 175 from 355 since you know it is for one week and because that number is already set. then divide 180 by 0.2 that should give you your answer

To find out how many miles you can travel in one week for $355, you need to subtract the weekly rental fee from the total amount and then divide the remaining amount by the cost per mile.

Step 1: Subtract the weekly rental fee from the total amount:
$355 - $175 = $180

Step 2: Divide the remaining amount by the cost per mile:
$180 / $0.2 = 900 miles

Therefore, you can travel up to 900 miles in one week for $355.

To find out how many miles you can travel in one week for $355, we need to subtract the weekly rental charge from the total amount you have to spend, and then divide the remaining amount by the cost per mile.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Subtract the weekly rental charge from the total amount:
Total amount - Weekly rental charge = $355 - $175 = $180

2. Divide the remaining amount by the cost per mile:
Miles = Remaining amount / Cost per mile = $180 / $0.2 = 900 miles

Therefore, you can travel up to 900 miles in one week for $355.