A point P is chosen on the circumcircle of the triangle ABC. Perpendiculars are dropped from P to the points D, E and F on BC, CA and AB respectively. Prove that the points D, E and F lie on a straight line.

Simson line

To prove that the points D, E, and F lie on a straight line, we can use the concept of angles formed by intersecting lines.

Let's label the angles in triangle ABC as follows:
∠A for angle A
∠B for angle B
∠C for angle C

Now, let's analyze the angles in the triangle formed by the points D, E, and F.

1. Angle FDE:
We can see that angle FDE is equal to 180 degrees minus angle DPF. This is because angle FDE is a straight line, while angle DPF is an angle in the triangle DPF (formed by the line from P to D and the perpendicular from P to AB).

Therefore, ∠FDE = 180 - ∠DPF.

2. Angle DEF:
Similarly, angle DEF is equal to 180 degrees minus angle EPD. This is because angle DEF is a straight line, while angle EPD is an angle in the triangle EPD (formed by the line from P to E and the perpendicular from P to BC).

Therefore, ∠DEF = 180 - ∠EPD.

3. Angle EFD:
Angle EFD is equal to 180 degrees minus angle FPB. This is because angle EFD is a straight line, while angle FPB is an angle in the triangle FPB (formed by the line from P to F and the perpendicular from P to AC).

Therefore, ∠EFD = 180 - ∠FPB.

Now, let's add up the three angles ∠FDE, ∠DEF, and ∠EFD:

∠FDE + ∠DEF + ∠EFD = (180 - ∠DPF) + (180 - ∠EPD) + (180 - ∠FPB)
= 540 - (∠DPF + ∠EPD + ∠FPB)
= 540 - 360
= 180

We can see that the sum of ∠FDE, ∠DEF, and ∠EFD is equal to 180 degrees, which means that these angles form a straight line. Therefore, the points D, E, and F lie on a straight line.

I hope this explanation helps!