In a class, the number of girls as a fraction of boys is 5/4.

Write down the number of boys as a fraction of the number of girls.


To find the number of boys as a fraction of the number of girls, we can take the reciprocal of the given fraction.

The reciprocal of 5/4 is 4/5.

Therefore, the number of boys as a fraction of the number of girls is 4/5.

To write down the number of boys as a fraction of the number of girls, we need to set up a ratio using the given information.

Let's assume there are x boys in the class. The number of girls is given as 5/4 times the number of boys.

So, the number of girls can be calculated as (5/4) * x.

To express the number of boys as a fraction of the number of girls, we divide the number of boys (x) by the number of girls [(5/4) * x].

Therefore, the fraction of boys to girls can be written as:

x / [(5/4) * x]

Simplifying the fraction, we can cancel out the x's:

1 / (5/4)

Reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by flipping it:

1 * (4/5) = 4/5

So, the number of boys as a fraction of the number of girls is 4/5.

g = (5/4) b

4 g = 5 b
b = (4/5) g