Peter played his favorite video game for 10 hours last week. Today, Peter's parents restricted him to 5 additional hours each week for the next 8 weeks. Create the function, f(x), that models Peter's total video game time?

Is it f(x)=5x + 10 or f(x)=5x + 8 or f(x)=5x. Those are the answers I could think of. Not sure about it though.

Peter has already played 10 hours.

Assuming that Peter does play 5 hours, without failure, every week.

f(x)=5x+10 is the answer (where x is the week no. — first week, second week, etc.)

Well, Peter's total video game time can be calculated using the function f(x) = 5x + 10, where x is the number of weeks. The "+ 10" accounts for the 10 hours he played last week. So, plug in the value of x for the number of weeks to find Peter's total video game time. For example, if x = 8, then f(8) = 5*8 + 10 = 50 hours.

From the information given, we know that Peter played his favorite video game for 10 hours last week. This will be the initial starting point for his total video game time.

His parents have now restricted him to 5 additional hours each week for the next 8 weeks.

So, for the first week, Peter will have an additional 5 hours, and for the second week, another additional 5 hours, and so on, until the eighth week.

To calculate the total video game time over the 8 weeks, we need to find the sum of the initial 10 hours and the additional 5 hours for each week.

Therefore, the correct function to model Peter's total video game time would be:

f(x) = 5x + 10

Where x represents the number of weeks (from 0 to 8).

This function accounts for the initial 10 hours that Peter played last week (represented by the constant term, 10), as well as the additional 5 hours for each week (represented by the linear term, 5x).

To create a function that models Peter's total video game time, we need to take into account his 10 hours of playing in the previous week and the additional 5 hours per week for the next 8 weeks.

Let's break it down:

- Peter played his favorite video game for 10 hours last week.
- For the next 8 weeks, Peter's parents restricted him to 5 additional hours each week.

So, for the next 8 weeks, Peter will have 5 hours of playing time per week. We can represent this by multiplying 5 hours by the number of weeks, which in this case is represented by 'x'.

Therefore, the function f(x) that models Peter's total video game time is:

f(x) = 5x + 10

The '+10' represents the 10 hours from the previous week, and the '5x' represents the additional 5 hours per week for the following weeks.

So, the correct answer is f(x) = 5x + 10.