A cab company charges $2 per cab ride, plus an additional $2 per mile driven. If a cab ride is 7 miles long, how much will it cost?

Ask Pirates of the Caribbean.


To calculate the cost of the cab ride, we need to add the fixed rate of $2 per cab ride to the additional cost per mile, which is $2 per mile driven.

In this case, the cab ride is 7 miles long, so we need to multiply the additional cost per mile by 7.

The additional cost for 7 miles is $2/mile * 7 miles = $14.

Now, we can add the fixed rate and the additional cost to get the total cost:

Total cost = Fixed rate + Additional cost = $2 + $14 = $16.

Therefore, the cost of a 7-mile cab ride would be $16.

2 + (2 * 7) = $_______

Since 1 mile cost 2 so 7×2=14 $ in addition for the cab ride so 14+2=$16