1-HIV positive people receive treatments to keep.

A-their viral load as high as possible
B-their viral load as low as possible(my answer)
C- their viral load as equal to their t-cell count
D-their t-cell count as low as possible

Thank you anyway

Correct Answer: B - their viral load as low as possible

To get the answer, we need to understand the goal of HIV treatment. The primary aim of HIV treatment is to achieve and maintain a low viral load in HIV-positive individuals.

Here's how you can arrive at this answer:

1. Familiarize yourself with the basics: Understand that HIV is a virus that attacks a person's immune system, primarily targeting the CD4 cells (also known as T cells).

2. Define viral load: Viral load refers to the amount of HIV in a person's blood. It is measured by the quantity of HIV RNA or DNA present in a blood sample. A high viral load indicates that the virus is replicating rapidly, while a low viral load suggests that it is being suppressed.

3. Recognize the purpose of HIV treatment: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is the standard treatment for HIV-positive individuals. Its primary objective is to suppress viral replication, reduce the viral load, and increase CD4 cell count.

4. Understand the impact of viral load: A higher viral load greatly contributes to the progression of HIV infection and increases the risk of transmitting the virus to others. Conversely, a lower viral load helps slow down disease progression and decreases the likelihood of spreading HIV.

5. Analyze the options: Among the given choices, option B stands out as the correct response. It aligns with the aim of HIV treatment, which is to keep the viral load as low as possible.

Therefore, the correct answer is B - HIV-positive people receive treatments to keep their viral load as low as possible.

Now you are getting beyond my knowledge of the subject but I think you are correct. The other answers do not make sense.