Which of the following statements about participants in the Second Great Awakening is most correct?

-The participation was almost entirely female; very few men got involved.
- The participation was almost entirely male; very few women got involved.
-While both men and women played active roles, women outnumbered men in most cases.
- While both men and women played active roles, men outnumbered women in most cases.

What do you think?


Women constituted almost 3/5 of the converts in the second great awakening. I would go with the third choice, and argue with the intructor if he so chooses.

While both men and women played active roles, men outnumbered women in most cases.

To determine which statement about participants in the Second Great Awakening is most correct, we can refer to historical sources and analyze the available information.

The Second Great Awakening was a religious movement that took place in the United States during the early 19th century. It led to a significant increase in religious enthusiasm and various social reforms. While it did involve both men and women, there were some differences in their participation.

Statement 1: "The participation was almost entirely female; very few men got involved."
Statement 2: "The participation was almost entirely male; very few women got involved."
Both of these statements are not accurate representations of the participation in the Second Great Awakening. They imply that one gender was significantly more involved than the other, which does not align with the historical evidence.

Statement 3: "While both men and women played active roles, women outnumbered men in most cases."
Statement 4: "While both men and women played active roles, men outnumbered women in most cases."
These statements present a more balanced view, acknowledging the participation of both men and women during the Second Great Awakening. However, they differ in terms of which gender was more prevalent.

To determine which statement is more correct, we need to consult historical records. The available evidence suggests that while both men and women played active roles in the Second Great Awakening, women often outnumbered men in their participation.

During this period, women had limited public roles and opportunities for leadership in society. The Second Great Awakening provided them with an avenue for involvement and influence. Many women found religious expression and social participation within the revival meetings, which often emphasized emotional experiences and personal transformation. This increased their engagement and led to a higher number of female participants compared to men.

Therefore, the most correct statement about participants in the Second Great Awakening would be: "While both men and women played active roles, women outnumbered men in most cases."