what is the cost of nine ounces of cheese at $.80 per pound?

$0.80/16 * 9

To find the cost of nine ounces of cheese at $0.80 per pound, we need to convert ounces to pounds and then multiply by the price per pound.

Step 1: Convert nine ounces to pounds.
There are 16 ounces in a pound, so we can divide nine ounces by 16 to get the equivalent in pounds:
9 ounces รท 16 = 0.5625 pounds

Step 2: Multiply the weight in pounds by the price per pound.
Now, multiply the weight (0.5625 pounds) by the price per pound ($0.80):
0.5625 pounds * $0.80 = $0.45

Therefore, the cost of nine ounces of cheese at $0.80 per pound is $0.45.