why were Early Hindu temples were small

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Early Hindu temples were small for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that these temples were built during ancient times when resources and technology were limited. Here's how you can understand this aspect:

1. Historical context: To learn about the reasons for the small size of early Hindu temples, it is essential to understand the historical context of the time period when they were constructed. Hinduism has a long and diverse history, with temples being built across different regions and time periods. The early Hindu temples were constructed between the 5th and 8th centuries CE, which is commonly referred to as the Early Medieval Period in Indian history.

2. Architectural style: The early Hindu temples followed a distinct architectural style known as Nagara, which originated in the northern parts of India. This style featured a tower-like structure called a shikhara, which gradually slopes upwards and ends with a pinnacle. The design of these shikharas was constrained by the available building materials and construction techniques of the time. The smaller size of the temples allowed for easier construction and ensured structural stability.

3. Religious purpose: The primary purpose of early Hindu temples was to house and honor deities. These deities were worshipped by devotees who visited the temples regularly. Due to the size limitations, temples were often built to accommodate a limited number of worshippers at a time. This allowed for a more intimate and personal experience of devotion.

4. Available resources: Another factor that influenced the size of these temples was the availability of construction materials. Early Hindu temples were primarily made of stone, and sourcing and transporting large stone blocks was a challenging task during that period. The smaller size of the temples made it more feasible to work with the available resources and complete the construction in a timely manner.

5. Economic and social factors: The construction of temples required considerable financial resources and community support. Early Hindu temples were often sponsored and funded by local rulers and wealthy individuals. The smaller size of these temples made them more affordable and manageable for the patrons to fund and maintain.

It is essential to note that the size of Hindu temples has varied over time, with subsequent periods witnessing the construction of larger and more elaborate temple complexes. The small size of early Hindu temples was a product of the historical, architectural, social, and economic factors prevailing during that era.