Joy receives a normal hourly wage of $18.60 and time-and-a-half for any overtime. On public holidays he receives double time with a minimum of 4 hours paid. What is his wage for a week in which he works 40 normal hours, 6.5 hours overtime and 3 hours on a public holiday?

Wage = 40*18.60 + 6.5*1.5*18.60 + 4*2*18.60 =

To calculate Joy's wage for the week, we need to consider his normal hours, overtime hours, and hours worked on a public holiday.

Step 1: Calculate the normal wage for the 40 normal hours worked:
Normal wage per hour = $18.60
Normal hours worked = 40
Normal wage for normal hours = Normal wage per hour x Normal hours worked
Normal wage for normal hours = $18.60 x 40

Step 2: Calculate the overtime wage for the 6.5 overtime hours worked:
Overtime wage per hour = Normal wage per hour x 1.5 (time-and-a-half)
Overtime hours worked = 6.5
Overtime wage for overtime hours = Overtime wage per hour x Overtime hours worked

Step 3: Calculate the wage for the 3 hours worked on the public holiday:
Public holiday wage per hour = Normal wage per hour x 2 (double time)
Public holiday hours worked = 3
Public holiday wage for public holiday hours = Public holiday wage per hour x Public holiday hours worked

Step 4: Add up the wages for normal hours, overtime hours, and public holiday hours to get the total wage for the week:
Total wage for the week = Normal wage for normal hours + Overtime wage for overtime hours + Public holiday wage for public holiday hours

Now, let's calculate each step:

Step 1:
Normal wage for normal hours = $18.60 x 40 = $<<18.60*40=744>>744

Step 2:
Overtime wage per hour = $18.60 x 1.5 = $<<18.60*1.5=27.90>>27.90
Overtime wage for overtime hours = $27.90 x 6.5 = $<<27.90*6.5=181.35>>181.35

Step 3:
Public holiday wage per hour = $18.60 x 2 = $<<18.60*2=37.20>>37.20
Public holiday wage for public holiday hours = $37.20 x 3 = $<<37.20*3=111.60>>111.60

Step 4:
Total wage for the week = $744 + $181.35 + $111.60 = $<<744+181.35+111.60=1036.95>>1036.95

Therefore, Joy's wage for the week is $1036.95.

To calculate Joy's wage for the week, we need to consider his regular hours, overtime hours, and hours worked on a public holiday.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Calculate Joy's regular wages for the 40 normal hours worked:
Regular wage per hour = $18.60
Regular hours worked = 40
Regular wage = Regular wage per hour * Regular hours worked

Regular wage = $18.60/hour * 40 hours = $<<18.60*40=744>>744

2. Calculate Joy's overtime wages for the 6.5 hours of overtime worked:
Overtime wage per hour = Regular wage per hour * 1.5 (time-and-a-half rate)
Overtime hours worked = 6.5
Overtime wage = Overtime wage per hour * Overtime hours worked

Overtime wage = $18.60/hour * 1.5 * 6.5 hours = $<<18.60*1.5*6.5=180.45>>180.45

3. Calculate Joy's wages for the 3 hours worked on a public holiday:
Holiday wage per hour = Regular wage per hour * 2 (double time rate)
Holiday hours worked = 3
Holiday wage = Holiday wage per hour * Holiday hours worked

Holiday wage = $18.60/hour * 2 * 3 hours = $<<18.60*2*3=111.60>>111.60 (minimum 4 hours paid does not apply here)

4. Calculate the total wage for the week:
Total wage = Regular wage + Overtime wage + Holiday wage

Total wage = $744 + $180.45 + $111.60 = $1,036.05

Therefore, Joy's wage for the week, considering his regular hours, overtime, and hours worked on a public holiday, is $1,036.05.