the two figures below are congruent. Find the measure of the angle that isn't labeled on either figure?

yo you stink

K,L, and M are 194

and B,A, and D are 223
Bruh............... *Dissapionted sigh*

Ummmm, so correct?

To find the measure of the angle that isn't labeled on either figure, we need to analyze the given information and use the properties of congruent figures.

Since the two figures are congruent, it means that they have the same shape and size. Specifically, the corresponding angles and sides of the two figures are equal.

To find the measure of the unlabeled angle:

1. Analyze the given information:
- Look at the labeled angles in the figures.
- Determine which angles are corresponding angles.

2. Identify the corresponding angles:
- Corresponding angles are angles that are in the same relative position in both figures.
- Find pairs of angles that are in the same position but labeled differently in each figure.

3. Use the property of congruent figures:
- Since the figures are congruent, the corresponding angles are equal in measure.
- Identify the corresponding angles in the two figures and their labeled measures.

4. Find the unlabeled angle:
- Identify the corresponding angle in the second figure that matches the unlabeled angle in the first figure.
- Use the measure of the corresponding angle from the second figure as the measure of the unlabeled angle.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the measure of the angle that isn't labeled on either figure.

About so many degrees

you have to either put the pictures or give us the angles