the sex of to domain species is unknown but they each have a probabilty of X and -5 what does x equal and waht is the domain species? Plz someone help me dont give me the answer just plz explain the procees of theis to me i have no clue where ot start

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Understanding the problem
The problem states that there is a species with an unknown sex. We need to determine the value of X and identify the species.

Step 2: Analyzing the probabilities
The information given states that the species has a probability of X and -5. However, it's not clear what these probabilities represent. We will assume that they relate to the likelihood of the species being male or female.

Step 3: Examining the probability range
Probabilities typically range from 0 to 1, where 0 represents impossibility and 1 represents certainty. Since the given probability of -5 is outside this range, it is likely incorrect or a typo. We will disregard it for now.

Step 4: Identifying the value of X
Without further information, we cannot determine the exact value of X. It could represent any decimal between 0 and 1 and even include fractions or percentages.

Step 5: Identifying the domain species
Unfortunately, the problem does not provide any information about the domain species. Without more context or details, it is impossible to identify the specific species.

In conclusion, based on the given problem statement, we cannot determine the exact value of X or identify the domain species due to inadequate information. It is important to have complete and accurate data when attempting to solve a problem.