Lilla read 1/5 of her book last week. This week she read 3 times as much as she read last week. Write an expression to show how much of her book she has left to read. Then simplify the expression.

has read 1/5 + 3/5 = 4/5

must read 5/5 - 4/5

= 1/5

I have this question on my home work during queritine I was really really really really HARD!!!!

I had that same problem on my homework it was so confusing

I'm really good at this type of stuff but this one is hard. In my problem on my homework the pages in the book is 75. Since she has read 1/5 last week and 3 times that this week, we would multiply 1/5 times 3/1 to find out how many she earned that week. That equals 3/5. Then add that with the 1/5 from last week, that equals 4/5. Subtract that from 5/5, the whole amount of the book. She needs to read 1/5 of the book, which in my problem is 15. The expression should be, 5/5 - (1/5 times 3/1).

last week she read=1/5

this week she read=3*1/5=3/5
she has read =last week+ this week
=1/5 +3/5
left to read=5/5-4/5

I had that same problem on my homework it was really confusing even though I am really god with math I cannot find this math problem out.

Opps. The expression should be X - (1/5 times 3/1 + 1/5)