1. Which is an example of checks and balances? (1 point)

The constitution contains a bill of rights that details the basic rights of the state’s citizens.
The constitution clearly outlines voting requirements and the qualifications for holding public office.
The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch carries out the law, and the judicial branch interprets the law.
The legislative branch can impeach the chief executive, the executive branch can veto laws, and the judicial branch can rule laws unconstitutional.

2. Which statement best describes why constitutions are needed? (1 point)
Constitutions are needed so that governments don’t get carried away with taxes.
Constitutions are needed because all of the laws have to be written down somewhere.
Constitutions are needed because without a constitution, the government is not legitimate.
Constitutions are needed so people can know their basic rights and how the government will operate.

3. According to Georgia’s constitution, all government originates from (1 point)
the people.
the state’s voters.
the U.S. Constitution.
a written constitution.

4. Voting in national elections is not only a right, but an example of a (1 point)

5. The two houses of the Georgia legislature are the (1 point)
Senate and First House Assembly.
Senate and House of Representatives.
Supreme Court and House of Commons.
Assembly and House of Representatives.

Must be atlst 25 years od age . Must be a citizien of the united states
must have lived in georgia for at least two years
The above statements are describing the qualifications to be a
d.supreme court justive

7.what is the most important duty of member of the georgia general assembly?
a. serving on committees
b. voting on proposed laws
c. listening to interest groups
d. campaingning for re-election

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1. The example of checks and balances is: The legislative branch can impeach the chief executive, the executive branch can veto laws, and the judicial branch can rule laws unconstitutional.

To determine this, you need to understand what checks and balances mean. Checks and balances refers to the system in a democratic government where each branch of government has powers that allow them to check, or limit, the powers of the other branches. By understanding the roles of each branch of government, you can identify the example of checks and balances.

2. The statement that best describes why constitutions are needed is: Constitutions are needed so people can know their basic rights and how the government will operate.

To answer this question, you need to understand the purpose of a constitution. A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed. It outlines the structure and powers of the government and protects the rights and freedoms of the citizens.

3. According to Georgia's constitution, all government originates from: the people.

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the principles of democracy and the concept of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty means that the power of the government comes from the people. In a democratic system, the people have the ultimate authority to elect representatives and shape the government.

4. Voting in national elections is not only a right, but an example of: responsibility.

To answer this question, you need to understand the different categories related to civic participation. Rights refer to entitlements or freedoms granted to individuals, while responsibilities refer to duties or obligations that individuals have towards society. Voting is both a right and a responsibility because it allows citizens to exercise their democratic rights and participate in shaping the governance of their country.

5. The two houses of the Georgia legislature are: the Senate and House of Representatives.

To answer this question, you need to have knowledge of the structure of the legislative branch in Georgia. The Senate and House of Representatives are the two chambers, or houses, of the Georgia General Assembly. The Senate is typically the smaller, more deliberative body while the House of Representatives is larger, representing a larger number of constituents.

6. The qualifications described in the statements are for: B. governor.

To answer this question, you need to understand the qualifications for different political positions. In this case, the statements describe the qualifications to be a governor. The specified requirements, such as being at least 25 years old, being a citizen of the United States, and having lived in Georgia for at least two years, align with the qualifications for a governor.

7. The most important duty of a member of the Georgia General Assembly is: b. voting on proposed laws.

To answer this question, you need to understand the role and responsibilities of a member of the Georgia General Assembly. While serving on committees, listening to interest groups, and campaigning for re-election are all important aspects of being a legislator, the primary duty is to vote on proposed laws. Legislators are responsible for representing their constituents and making decisions on legislation that impacts the state.