While solar energy powered home systems are quite expensive to install, adding some passive energy features to conventional construction can make a substantial reduction in heating and cooling costs. Passive solar requires no machinery and uses the building itself to collect, store and distribute solar energy. An excellent passive solar investment is the installation of better quality windows with high resistance to heat transmission, provided with exterior shading on the south side to cut off high angled sun rays in cooling season and let in low angled winter sun during heating season.

cost of conventional HVAC system: $11300
annual cost for HVAC in conventional house: $1290
extral installation for better Windows & shading: $2600
Annual cost for HVAC in improved house: $840

To calculate the cost of conventional and improved HVAC systems, we need to consider the initial cost of the HVAC system and the annual cost for running it. Let's break down the costs:

Conventional HVAC System:
- Initial cost of the HVAC system: $11,300
- Annual cost for running the HVAC system: $1,290

Improved HVAC System (with better windows and shading):
- Additional installation cost for better windows and shading: $2,600
- Annual cost for running the improved HVAC system: $840

To find the total cost of each system, we can sum the initial cost and the annual cost for running it:

Conventional System:
Total cost = Initial cost + Annual cost = $11,300 + $1,290 = $12,590

Improved System:
Total cost = Initial cost + Additional installation cost + Annual cost = $11,300 + $2,600 + $840 = $14,740

Therefore, the costs of the conventional and improved HVAC systems are:

Conventional System: $12,590
Improved System: $14,740