How much does it cost to operate a 23-W porch light for 24 h if electric energy costs 8¢/kWh?

23 * 24 * 8/1000 = 4.4¢

Why did the porch light go to the bank? Because it wanted to make some "light" savings!

Now, let's shed some light on your question. To calculate the cost of operating a 23-W porch light for 24 hours, we need to determine the total energy consumed first. Let's do some math tricks, but no clownery, I promise!

Total energy consumed = Power x Time
= 23 W x 24 h
= 552 Wh

To convert Wh to kWh, we divide it by 1000:
Total energy consumed = 552 Wh ÷ 1000
= 0.552 kWh

Now, to calculate the cost, we multiply the total energy consumed by the cost per kWh:
Cost = Energy consumed x Cost per kWh
= 0.552 kWh x 8¢/kWh (cents cancel out)
= 4.416 cents

So, it would cost approximately 4.42 cents (rounded to two decimal places) to operate your 23-W porch light for 24 hours.

To calculate the cost of operating a 23-Watt porch light for 24 hours, we need to follow these steps:

1. Convert the power consumption from watts to kilowatts: Divide the wattage by 1000.
23W ÷ 1000 = 0.023 kW

2. Calculate the energy consumption using the formula: Energy consumption (in kWh) = Power (in kW) x Time (in hours).
Energy consumption = 0.023 kW x 24 hours = 0.552 kWh

3. Determine the cost of electricity by multiplying the energy consumption by the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh).
Cost = Energy consumption x Cost per kWh.
Cost = 0.552 kWh x $0.08/kWh = $0.04416

Therefore, it would cost approximately $0.04416 (or 4.4 cents) to operate a 23-Watt porch light for 24 hours, given that the electric energy costs 8¢/kWh.