a square green rug has a blue square in the center. the side length of the blue square is x inches. the width of the green band that surrounds the blue square is 6 inches.

Just noticed that Steve answered the same question 3 years ago, when it was stated as a complete question


To find the dimensions of the green rug, we need to know the side length of the blue square.

Let's assume the side length of the blue square is x inches.

The width of the green band that surrounds the blue square is given as 6 inches.

Since the green rug is square-shaped, the side length of the green rug can be calculated by adding twice the width of the green band to the side length of the blue square.

Side length of the green rug = Side length of the blue square + 2 * Width of the green band

= x + 2 * 6

= x + 12 inches

Therefore, the side length of the green rug is (x + 12) inches.