Dave uses 500 milliliters of juice for a punch recipe. He mixes it with two liters of ginger ale. How many milliliters of punch does he make?

Problem: Dave uses 500 milliliters of juice for a punch recipe. He mixes it with two liters of ginger ale.How many milliliters of punch does he make?

Question: How many milliliters of punch does he make?

Answer:2,500 milliliters of punch he make.

Show what I know

Step 1: 1 liters=100 milliliters

Step 2: 1000 times 2=2000 milliliters. 1000 x 2=2000 milliliters

Step 3: 2000 plus 500= 2,500 milliliters. 2000 milliliters
+ 500 milliliters
2,500 milliliters

2,500 milimeters

2,500 milimeters

1 liter = 1,000 milliliters

Take it from there.


2,500 milliliters

The answer is, He makes 2500 mililiters of punch.

apples yom


Sylvia is making 8,673 mil liters of punch she uses 3 liters 25 mil liters of orange juice How many liters of pineapple juice does Sylvia need to add to complete her juice?