M = log(E)-11.4/1.5

How do you express E in terms of M?

Since the fraction is pointless as written, I assume you meant

M = (log(E)-11.4)/1.5
1.5M = log(E)-11.4
log(E) = 1.5M+11.4
E = 10^(1.5M+11.4)


To express E in terms of M in the equation M = log(E) - 11.4/1.5, we can rearrange the equation to isolate E. Here's how:

Step 1: Add 11.4/1.5 to both sides of the equation to remove the constant term on the right side:
M + 11.4/1.5 = log(E) - 11.4/1.5 + 11.4/1.5

Simplifying the right side:
M + 11.4/1.5 = log(E)

Step 2: Remove the logarithm by raising both sides of the equation to the power of 10:
10^(M + 11.4/1.5) = 10^log(E)

Since raising 10 to the power of log(E) cancels out the logarithm, we have:
10^(M + 11.4/1.5) = E

Therefore, E can be expressed in terms of M as E = 10^(M + 11.4/1.5).