lucky drew an isosceles triangle as shown if the measures of XYZ is 25 what is the measure of XYZ

I guess you mean the two equal angles are each 25

since the sum must be 180
50 + x = 180
x = 130

I you have two 25 degree angles in a triangle, the third one must be 130 degrees

peaches is wrong

I meant YZX

So it would be 50

I think the answer is 130 because I took 25 because both sides are equal and added 25+130=155+25=180 so idk pick what you want but Im gonna stick with this

To find the measure of angle XYZ, you would need more information or a diagram showing the triangle Lucky drew. The given information about angle XYZ being 25 degrees is not sufficient to determine the measure of the angle.

Is there any additional information you can provide or any other angles/dimensions given in the problem?


1. c - 130 degrees

2. c - comp. angle 55.6 degrees and supp. angle 22.2 degrees
3. c - mAngle POS + mAngle ROT=180
4. b - 19 ft
5. c - D is the midpoint of Line LM
6. d - trapezoid
7. d - 17,17,17
8. b - the measure of each angle is 120 degrees
9. d - 115 degrees
10. c - h=30, f = 70, g=50
11. d - quadrilateral, irregular
12. c - rhombus
13. a - Lines OU, OR, OT, TR
14. a - Angles D and F
15. b - Line AS
16. b - acute
17. a - 3
18. b - 55 degrees
19. a - 42 degrees
20. Type more in more details, but here is the jist of it four triangles = parallelogram. Inner shaded of shape = Rhombus and Outer Shape= Square.
21. Congruent figures are figures that exactly the same size and shape, you can get it from there.

22. Make this into your own words.
Place the compass at one end of line segment.
Adjust the compass to slightly longer than half the line segment length.
Draw arcs above and below the line.
Keeping the same compass width, draw arcs from other end of line.
Place ruler where the arcs cross, and draw the line segment.

23. Again, write this in your own words.
Shapes are congruent, so you can match up all the sides and angle y. Angle X is congruent with the right angle sign, thus 90 degrees.
As we know, if we add up the angles of one corner of a triangle, we always get 180. So take 180 - (Angle Y + Angle X) = Angle W