ahmed can type 12 stories each consisting of 200 words in 6 hours.how much time will he take to type 7 such storis

7/12 as many stories -- 7/12 as long to type them.


To find out how much time Ahmed will take to type 7 stories, we can use a proportion based on the given information.

Let's assume it takes x hours for Ahmed to type 7 stories.

According to the given information, Ahmed can type 12 stories in 6 hours. So we can set up the following proportion:

12 stories / 6 hours = 7 stories / x hours

Cross-multiplying, we get:

12 * x = 6 * 7

12x = 42

Dividing both sides by 12, we get:

x = 42 / 12

x = 3.5

Therefore, Ahmed will take 3.5 hours to type 7 stories.

To find out how much time Ahmed will take to type 7 such stories, we can use a simple proportion equation.

We know that Ahmed can type 12 stories in 6 hours. So, the ratio of the number of stories to the number of hours is 12/6.

To find out how much time Ahmed will take to type 7 stories, we can set up the proportion equation:

12/6 = 7/x

Where "x" represents the number of hours it will take Ahmed to type 7 stories.

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply:

12 * x = 6 * 7

12x = 42

Now, we can solve for "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 12:

x = 42/12

x = 3.5

Therefore, Ahmed will take 3.5 hours to type 7 stories.